Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week 2 Thing 3

I have been reading and responding to blogs for several years due to my involvement in politics. I get emails from bloggers every day- I have to go through and only read the ones that I am interested in. The hardest part for me was to come up with a name. My wife suggested the name I have come up with.

Last year I tried a few Web 2.0 things in my honors chem class, and they worked out ok. I really want to step up their involvement in my class with these tools. I will work on my profile and get it more personalized

Week 1 Thing 2

Although the tutorial on the 71/2 habits of lifelong learners, to me, was a bit elementary I have to agree that writing things down is critical. I try (often unsuccessfully) to remember that if I didn't write it down it didn't happen. I have done lots of online classes and hope to make mine as good as some of the classes I took for the online degree at the University of Maryland.